Renting Ribs

Order your WASZP

Renting Ribs (RR) is a company based in Barcelona created in 2013 and owned by sailors and sailing coaches aiming to provide the best possible service (logistics, charter VSR ribs, storage,….) to any sailor, team or federation all around Europe.

Renting Ribs does work closely with most of the best Olympic federations as well as with different sailing teams and big boats events as GC 32, RC 42, Imoca at BWR,….

RR is VSR ribs dealer in Spain and Portugal as well as GPSailing software designers and producers.

So, we do try to give best logistical solutions and charter rib services for any sailor around Europe.

Anton is a an olympic sailor and olympic coach, as well as big boats sailor and BWR team deputy director.

David is a very experienced optimist and dinghies coach as well as a very high level sailor and Sports university teacher at Blanquerna University in Barcelona.

For the WASZP all sales and support will be managed by RR sl.

Demo boats will be available from January 2017. Don't hesitate to contact us to get information as well as to jump in one of our demo boats and enjoy flying on a WASZP.
